Tag Archives: Undertaker

Good God Almighty! Mankind and Undertaker Rewatch Their Iconic Hell In a Cell Match 25 Years Later

The moment you mention both The Undertaker and Mankind simultaneously, without even finishing the sentence, minds have already traveled back to June 28, 1998. 

On this infamous day in wrestling history, most of us were plopped right in front of our television sets, awaiting the event of the goddamn Summer-The King of the Ring. Maybe not necessarily the actual slew of matches themselves, at least not for me anyway, but ONE match in particular; and that was the long-standing feud of The Undertaker and Mankind (Mick Foley) in what was dubbed, the Hell in a Cell Match.

It was a night that anyone and their mama that was watching would NEVER forget, and would immediately set the standard for future Hell in a Cell matches until basically the end of time.

After an almost two-year rivalry, the score was to finally be settled in the way of a 16-foot-high steel cage with a roof attached. Right from the word go, there was drama in this Hell in a Cell match as Mankind entered first and immediately grabbed a steel chair as he made his way up towards the top of the cage and onto the roof, awaiting the Undertaker as he would arrive second. Unbeknownst to the audience, Mark Calaway (Undertaker) went into the match with a fractured ankle and considering what was about to transpire, these two men would go down in history as the biggest pair of beasts with gargantuan balls that ever set foot in a WWE ring.


The match had barely gotten underway and Undertaker just YEETS Mankind off the top of the steel cage like a rag doll right into an announcer’s table freaking out Jim Ross and pretty much anyone watching as Ross let off a slew of now very quotable sentences expressing his shock and awe. The rest of just screamed a shitload of profanities as we really thought this guy wasn’t getting back up, and we just witnessed a horrible accident.

“When I tossed him off of the cage, it was like time stopped. People say they have out-of-body experiences and things like that. Standing on the cage and watching him fly, I could actually see him and myself standing up there. I didn’t think Mick Foley would get up from that.” -Mark Calaway

Medical personnel came out to check on Foley, as did Funk and various others including McMahon who broke kayfabe by looking legitimately worried about someone his Mr. McMahon character was supposed to dislike. Mankind was placed on a stretcher and began to be wheeled out of the arena however, Mankind got his crazy ass up from the stretcher and fought off the officials, so he climb again onto the top of the cell to resume the match.

And that’s when all Hell broke loose, and we all collectively lost our ever-loving minds. Then, this crazy SOB takes a Chokeslam through the top of the cell. It’s a miracle that Mankind managed to finish off this brutal encounter after taking two dangerous falls. Undertaker prevailed with the Tombstone Piledriver, but this Hell in a Cell match has not been topped in terms of brutality or has ever been erased from the minds of wrestling fans over the past 25 years.

And apparently, neither has Mark Calaway nor Mick Foley. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of, undoubtedly, the greatest Hell in a Cell Match of all time, the pair of legends recently took to YouTube on the WWE channel and rewatch their infamous match while giving their commentary. A true gift for both the Attitude Era and the average wrestling fans alike.

Enjoy and remember kids, whenever you find yourself around some asswad telling you wrestling is fake, be sure to point them to this match!