[VIDEO] Let's Visit McDonald's In 1990!

[VIDEO] Let’s Visit McDonald’s In 1990!

The year is 1990 on a mild Summer afternoon, and you just left your favorite Mom and Pop Video Store with a bag of Reese’s Pieces and a copy of Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan under your arm for a first-time watch. Depending on who you talk to, that could be either the greatest or worst viewing experience of your life– but either way, a good time, eh?! We got the munchies. We need some substance for the adrenaline that comes with a new slasher flick, so where do we go? McDonald’s of course! Where the styrofoam containers flow like a non-eco-friendly river made up of “fancy ketchup” packets and customer service is still kind of a thing. A time when if you weren’t feeling a Quarter Pounder, you had the option of a McPizza. Or perhaps a fried apple pie with a side of boxed chocolate chip cookies. You may or may not be interrupting some kid’s birthday party, and for the underlying cynic in all of us, that was a tad amusing. Five bucks bought you a Big Mac Extra Value Meal or, for the kids( or big kids), a $3 Happy Meal and your day was complete.

McDonald’s was a special treat for most of us who lived through the 80s and 90s. Whether you were a kid or adult, it was goddamn magical and a memory that serves up all the fuzzies along with a side of beef tallow fries. However, thanks to the internet and YouTubers like Vampire Robot, we can relive those times with home video footage of what McDonald’s used to be and what we remember as kids in the early 90s!

The first video is nostalgia overload with core memories unlocked as we peer into a McD’s restaurant in 1990 as a family orders a meal, and we get those lovely closeups of a Filet of Fish clamshell container and a Fry Friends Happy Meal! In the second video, we’re bombarded with styrofoam overload that takes us back to a time when the McNuggets got the same packaging treatment as a Quarter Pounder.

Some things should never be taken for granted, and visors’ off to both Vampire Robot’s channel and the person who recorded and preserved this footage. The world needs more heroes like you.

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