Tag Archives: Nostalgic Eats

You Can Now Buy Goosebumps Monster Blood Ice Cream!

Credit: Salt and Straw

Monster Blood is back baby and just in time because Holy Horrorland it’s HOT! Cousins Tyler and Kim Malek, founders of Salt and Straw have teamed up with Scholastic for a monster summer in a collaboration effort infusing tasty treats and, well, the holy grail of sweaty Summer days- ice cream available for a limited time at the shop!

Now through July 1st, 2021, Salt & Straw’s Rad Readers menu will be available in the company’s brick and mortar stores as well as for online order nationwide.

With the launching of R.L. Stine’s Slappyworld series and the newly released “Monster Blood Is Back” earlier this year, the delightful treats shop has concocted a blend of salted Mango ice cream with streaks of citrus-y, shiny green goo with chunks of deep red strawberry bark.

Sounds about on par with what I would expect a Goosebumps flavored ice cream to go with!

In addition to the nostalgic nature of Goosebumps, Salt and Straw has also unleashed these limited flavors in conjunction with other famed Scholastic books to their menu:

Geronimo Stilton & The Frosted Frozen Feast (Author: Geronimo Stilton)⁠⁠
Smile: Words & Pictures (Author: Raina Telgemeier)⁠⁠
Amulet: Fruit of the Gadoba Tree (Author: Kazu Kibuishi)⁠⁠
Twins: A Matching Pear w/ Twinnamon Swirl (Author: Varian Johnson & Shannon Wright)⁠⁠

You can order your Monster Blood summer cool-down by ordering through Salt and Straw’s website HERE.


“Gimmie Dem Mr. Bones!” 10 Nostalgic Pieces of Halloween Candy

Candy has always been KING at Halloween, and one can’t deny remembering Halloweens’ past in our adolescent years with a great fondness. As we opened our eyes in the comfort of our cartoon character bedsheets on October 31st, we immediately thought of the glorious haul of Halloween treats we would possess that night. Pillowcases full of homemade popcorn balls, candy apples, and even the dreaded nickels and pennies were not only expected but a Halloween staple in what seems like not so long ago.

Looking inside my child’s trick-or-treat bags these days is a far cry from what they looked like when I was a kid. Homemade treats from neighbors are strictly taboo, as urban myths have pretty much put an end to that era. Long gone are the days of accidentally ingesting wax and smoking pseudo-candy cigarettes. And I kind of miss it! Kids these days will never know about us giving absolute zero fucks and taking full trust in our neighbors who weren’t trying to poison or hide razor blades in our Snickers Bars.

Still one of the most terrifying scenes in “Halloween 2” from a child’s view.

I dug up this old article I wrote for Dread Central a few years back, revised it, and brought it home to Nightmare Nostalgia for some fuzzy-good childhood Halloween memories because we could always use some good, old-fashioned pre-diabetic memories.

*Although these candies are still very much available at old-time candy shops and online, I sure do miss seeing that super cool Mr. Bones in my kid’s pumpkin pails. So let’s take a stroll down Halloween memory lane and fondly remember the Halloween candy that has become an obscure item to see in present times. So let’s do our due diligence everyone and seek out some of these fun retro candies to put a smile on everyone’s face behind that mask this October 31st!

10. Candy Cigarettes

Even with an unsavory past in regard to marketing, these were still pretty cool to get in your Halloween haul. Sitting around with friends negotiating candy trades with one of these suckers in your mouth made you feel like an adult, especially if you suckered someone out of their peanut butter cups. That one small “poof” of glory sugar smoke just made it that much more satisfying, and hey if you’re a rebel you can still pick up a few packs and hand them out to trick-or-treaters!

9. Whack-O-Wax Lips, Fangs, and Mustaches

These oversized red lips and ‘stashes were such a fun addition to our candy stash, even if you ended up shitting out waxy poops the next day. As a matter of fact, I think I still have that waxy taste in my mouth from 1992. In any case, they still ruled. And you can still buy them!

8. Wonka’s Dino Sour Eggs

This sweet-and-sour variation of the Gobstopper was way more interesting than its plain counterpart. Depending on how long you sucked on these bad boys, they would change colors and flavors, eventually shriveling up into what looked like dino-doo-doo if you got that far without spitting it out.

7. Monster Candy

Another variation of candy cigarettes was the Monster Candy which came in various tiny boxes that usually contained 2 sticks (if I can remember correctly).  They weren’t the tastiest, much like the latter, but goddammit if they weren’t one of the coolest things to find in your pile of candy. Just look at that gorgeous packaging with Karloff and Lugosi. Are you really going to disagree?

6. Drac-Snax

Oh man, Drac-Snax were THE TITS. Just like the Monster Candy mentioned above, this had some of the coolest packaging ever for Halloween treats. The hard fruit-flavored candies were not only good, but they completely captured the essence of what Halloween is all about. Bats, tombstones, and some poor headless sonofabitch.

5. Orange Juice Bubble Gum

I may be alone on this one; however, I really, really, miss this stuff.  It was hard not to just slide all those tiny nuggets into your mouth all at once.  The Topps gum had different flavors available like grape and lemon, but orange was by far the best. It was pure candy crack, I tell you.

4. Nik-L-Lip

Yes, the official name for these things was Nik-L-Lip, but we all just called them “wax juice.” You approached this in one of two ways: Either you bit the top off and sucked out all that sugary flavored syrup inside, or you just popped the fucker in your mouth, releasing an explosion of super sweet sugar water onto your taste buds. Also, if you were like me, you chewed on the wax bottle until all the flavor was gone while, again, trying to avoid the waxy Halloween poops. Worth noting, my significant other thinks I’m absolutely crazy for even including this. I say, give me my strange addiction!

3. Garbage Can-dy

Who remembers sugary fish bones?! Or perhaps the old shoes along with some old soda bottles that definitely tasted a lot better than they looked. These Pez-like candies came in a super cool toy trashcan that you could use for storage. I personally used mine for Garbage Pail Kids stickers. It just seemed fitting.

2. PB Max

Oh, PB Max, how I miss thee. The ULTIMATE chocolate-coated peanut butter bar was fuckin’ heaven. If history has taught us anything about nostalgic foods (such as the return of Ecto-Cooler, then we just might get to see it again IF our voices are strong enough. And I would be all kinds of okay with this.

1. Mr. Bones

Was there really anything more radical than Mr. Bones? I mean, you not only got some delicious tart candy, but you got to build a skeleton out of your food! Oh yes, those sneaky bastards tricked us into using our minds to put together this jigsaw puzzle of a treat, and then devour it like an animal. Brilliance. Plus, it came in a cool coffin box! The ultimate Halloween treasure treat was absolutely getting multiples of these spectacular candies. I miss you, Mr. Bones. You delicious little fellow.

While it isn’t TOTALLY the same, Amazon does have a pretty close-in-taste Skeleton Bones candy packs on their site. No fun toy coffin, but if you’re desperate for the nostalgia factor, it’s an option!

What is a Halloween candy you would like to see make a comeback? Gimmie your retro rant below and let’s talk about it!

This Is Not a Drill: Planters Cheez Balls Are BACK!

Twelve years. Twelve years I’ve waited for this glorious moment. The product that made up one-third of my food group as a youngster is FINALLY heeding the pleas from nostalgic fans all over the world: Planters Cheez Balls are coming back for a limited run and I’m probably going to cry.


This Is Not a Drill: Planters Cheez Balls Are BACK!


Yesterday over on the world of Twitter, Mr. Peanut made the official announcement that the beloved ball of greasy cheese goodness that fans like myself have been petitioning to make a comeback is returning for as of now, a limited time starting July 1st. Along with the equally as good Cheez Curls (yeah, move over Chester), you’ll be able to purchase the delicious nostalgic junk-food of every 80’s and 90’s kid’s childhood via Amazon (you can pre-order now) and Walmart.com.

Over the past few years, the trend of retro snacks returning to cater to our nostalgia seems to be resonating with the heads of the junk-food industry. Two years ago upon the release of the rebooted Ghostbusters movie, the king of boxed-juice drinks Hi-C Ecto Cooler had a limited run in stores during the Summer. Of course in my hometown of Las Vegas, I had to beg and plead to the warehouse guys at my local Smiths to get these damn tiny boxes of green liquid sugar in their store so I could pretend I was eight-years-old again. It took an entire month, but the day had come during one of my groceries trips. I was spotted as I walked in by the head of the store, and was greeted with, “I have a surprise for you..” Yeah, that’s how much I badgered these poor people. I proceeded to walk out with a case of these bad boys and I regret nothing. Hopefully, I won’t have this same issue once again where I’ll have to raise hell to get satisfy my inner fat kid. I say this because the pre-order option isn’t available in my area just yet, and I’m just hoping I don’t have to become the nag of the century here.

But anyways, for the rest of you, get ready for orange dusty fingers this Summer! Rejoice because Planters Cheez Balls are back!