Silence of the Beets: Dummy Skin-Wearing Dwight Schrute is Now an Action Figure!

Silence of the Beets: Dummy Skin-Wearing Dwight Schrute is Now an Action Figure!

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica. Oh, and the mutilated rubber skin from a dummy of course. It was only a matter of time before the master of the almighty beta vegetable became a legit action figure. And today is that day ladies and gents.

Chances are if you’re a fan of The Office (and who the Hell isn’t) you might just remember  Season 5 two-parter “Stress Relief”, in where Dwight is directly responsible for inducing a heart-attack upon Stanley with a false fire drill. Thus, bringing about a mandatory safety meeting and CPR training for the Dunder Mifflin employees. And well…


Anyway, via the rad as hell website Super Secret Fan Club, you can now own a mini Hannibal Schrute with some super cool bonus features!

Behold, Silence of the Beets!


Silence of the Beets: Dummy Skin-Wearing Dwight Schrute is Now an Action Figure!


Skin-mask Dwight Schrute is 8″ tall and sits on an 8×10 card and comes with the infamous now faceless dummy from the CPR segment. As an added treat, on the back of the packaging is a cut-out dummy mask just like the one Dwight is wearing. Although, I highly doubt if you’re going to drop $100 (yep, that’s the price tag), you’re probably not going to want to massacre that packaging.




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